Organize Your Camp Gear

Good Morning, this is me.............. uh.. Ruth

 I'm tucking in a quick blog post before we take off to Tahoe for our fist Camping In Style trip. 

This time I'm trying to go Camping In Style "Light"

I'm feeling more organized than usual
Maybe because I didn't start packing till yesterday and my mind is clear

One tub for beverages/bar

Fire wood bin

One tub for camp necesities
One container for dry food
And a cooler

One bag for beach goods

Along with all the usual stuff stuffed in my car

I can't wait to get to this 

With Deb
after camp set up
bye for now!


Thanks for sharing; you are so organized! Our car usually looks like the Beverly Hillbillies just arrived when we pull into the camp ground. Stuff lashed to the top and me holding the overflow in my lap while my sweetie drives. Everyone has to stand back when the door is opened, all our 'must have' camping items tend to explode from the car when the pressure is released. Have a great weekend and post more pictures! Cheers!
Unknown said…
Yes you should have seen the car to go home, def. spring loaded. Just posted the after camp trip picts.
Robert Smith said…
Great work, Nice ideas for a camp trip.
Good one! I am sure this was a great experience for you. :)

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