Two Night Meal Plan - EASY EASY

Meal plan for dinner for two days. As always my goal is to have a high quality meal with less effort at the camp site so I can enjoy myself and deal with any issues with having small kids that might make cooking, cleaning and meal making a drag. The best way I know to do this is to pre cook as much as I can at home. 


Bake quesadillas on 350 in oven till cheese is soft, they can finish cooking at camp, you only need them to stick together.

  • Pre grilled chicken marinated in ranch dressing and cilantro herbs. Cut up and heated on site.
  • Pre cooked quesadilla in small corn tortillas, wrapped in foil and reheated to perfection.
  • Can of black beans.
  • Pico de gallo pre-made from grocery store.
  • Avocados
  • Sour cream
  • Chips and salsa
  • Margaritas


Mix with seasoning, bake on 400 to brown then turn down to 350 till fully cooked, then freeze. They will continue to cook when added to sauce at campsite. A slow warm in sauce first will moisten the meatballs and allow the seasoning to impart the sauce.

  • Pre baked meatballs - highly seasoned
  • Jar of sauce or two
  • Pasta
  • Salad
  • Bread with olive oil dip
  • Wine
Seasoning the meatballs is important because it will up-class the jar sauce. I also add bread crumbs, egg, to a meatloaf mix they sell at our meat counter. Use any meat.

For details on these meals comment and I will reply. Substitute with your favorites and enjoy your Camping in Style. 


Great basic but tasty camp menu - I enjoy your blog very much! Thanks...
WOW amazing blog, i will be subscribing!!
Jason Martin said…
Love this amazing meal plan, thank you for sharing it with us.
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