Three nights and four days at D.L. Bliss site #103. LOVED IT!
Me and my 6 yr old |
I spent my 46th birthday celebrating with our good friends the Millers at
D.L. Bliss Campground. My girlfriend Deb. took me to lunch at
Sunnyside where we shared a bottle of wine and ate deck side watching Lake Tahoe's spectacular views of snow topped mountains in 80degree weather.
Every year I want my camp trip to be better than the last one. I try something new and let go of things that didn't work . This trip was my most perfect trip in 16years.
Our obsession for camping is wanting to make the next trip better, bring better stuff and make it less work. "next trip I'm going to do this instead of that" we say to ourselves.
Here is what made this trip the best.
Camp with other people that you know you jive with |
Choose a beautiful location | | | |
Bring your dog | | | | | | | | | | | |
A tired dog is a good dog |
Use big buckets to bring wood from home |
Make sure your coffee stays hot |
Drink and have pleanty of water |
Use a tarp outside your tent |
Use mason gars intead of plastic |
Use screw cap for creamer |
Lastly - Short Trip = Small Tent |