I’m a Mom in my late 40’s with a daughter who is eight. I started camping with ADR when she was 3 months old. ADR tends to like calm environments and up to the age of four she was rather fussy and clingy. Now she is eight and she loves camping, but it didn't start out that way. This post is about camping with young kids as I see it. Simply edit the information based on your needs. Basically I feel camping is a highly rewarding and educational activity for children. The more you like it the more they will too. I love camping with ADR so much and she has taken to it with much interest and enthusiasm. But it didn’t start out that way…………………. WHAT AGE IS THE BEST TO START CAMPING? Start with these questions? 1- Know your child regardless of what others say about "Camping With Kids". 2- How many people are you camping with that will be helpfull? 3- How comfortable is your child outside or in new environments? 4- Does you child g...