Camping With Soul

Hand Painted Tables From India - by Camping With Soul Image

This is what I'm talking about as far as Glamping Goes my style. This site it from the UK called Camping With Soul.

Poster - From Camping With Soul

Here is what they say:

Camping with Soul is for people who love flopping back somewhere calming at the end of a dirty day at a festival; for people who like to camp soft with fresh pillows, a duvet, a self-inflating mattress and a martini; who decorate their camp with ruined Persian rugs, sheepskins and silky drapes they picked up somewhere hot; who always have a hubbub of friends giggling in their tent.
Who hunt out exquisite beauty spots and negotiate a couple of nights and some fresh milk in the morning with the local farmer; who love lying in dappled woods with their kids, and watching the shadows stretch at sunset; who daydream about wilderness fishing in cool Norwegian summers; who leave no trace when they pack up camp.

Wood Stove - by Camping With Soul

Touareg Tent - by Camping With Soul


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